Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Year.. New Country - Again!

Well its been a while! I have just logged onto my blog to find my last post was on the 19th of December 2008..

What a few months it has been, my last post was from the UK where I spent a few weeks catching up with family and friends over Christmas and I am now writing this from Melbourne, Australia. How did I end up here? Well its all thanks for Facebook - I got back in touch with Katie my first serious girlfriend from my home town in the UK. We had been talking for a few months and then happened to be back in town over Christmas and got on so well she invited me to join her back in Melbourne!

So here I am... Not quite sure what I am going to do here but I am hoping something might come up photography wise. In the meantime I am making the most of this awesome city, the summer my stunning new/old girlfriend Katie and all the great new people I am meeting.

Now I am settled in here I am going to get stuck in to taking plenty of pictures. Some interesting ones from Australia Day HERE it was a great day we estimated around 500 beers over the weekend!

Also a couple of pictures from a mountain biking event on Lamma Island, Hong Kong just before I left which I don't think I have posted.