Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Change of Scenery

Nothing like a complete change to keep you on your toes! I have now said good bye to Hong Kong, maybe for good who knows? It certainly wasn't a planned move as such but then spontaneity can be the most exciting side of life, so they say. I will be in sunny England for the next few weeks at least until after the New Year, catching up with friends and family. Looking forward especially to hanging out with my brother in London he runs seeper and has some pretty big names on his books.
After my UK trip I will probably head back to New Zealand for a while until my next adventure comes up unless I get a better offer!! Just in case your wondering what a "better offer" might be it could be a number of things but a couple spring to mind... free beer.. dancing girls... fast cars yeah yeah every guys dreams. Seriously right now the opportunity to travel and take pictures would be a great offer, since I left New Zealand a year ago I have sort of caught the travel bug and I am enjoying my photography more and more. So if anyone is reading this and would like to pay me to take pictures anywhere in the world, please do get in touch!!

Will do my best to post some stuff from the UK I am hoping to have the chance to get out and about and see how a British winter can be captured on camera.

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